BrandConcepts, SECONDopinion, BRANDactivation, AbovetheLINE, SOCiALBenefitCommunication, GraphicDESIGN, InstitutionalCAMPAIGNS, Promotionaldesign, GraphicPRODUCTION, Advertising, RumouraroundyourBRAND, ImageScouting&Shooting
BELOWtheLine, EXhibitionConcepts, SocialMEDIAcoaching, RecrutementAdvertising, POSopportunities, Book&editorialDESIGN, OUToftheBLUEapproach, WEBdesign, TOOLSforACTION, ViralMARKETING, connectpeople, Eventconcepts
Enlarge the difference
Is your target audience less attentive than you want them to be? It's no wonder. Basic messages get lost when everyone shouts about the same things in the same way.
No doubt, your target group might be far more responsive to a communication approach, based on the difference that your product or service actually offers them. Enlarge the difference that makes you unique, in a comprehensive and effective way. Enhance your brand ... that's what it's all about.
It only works when it all fits together
At IJsbreker, we firmly believe in strength that's based on a tag-team approach, and concentration on common interests. The time that we could invest taking part in ad industry competitions is quality time we can't use to run projects for clients.
We prefer to invest our time and effort developing opportunities to achieve a long-term association that has an Icebreaking impact on the market.